Best directions on how to construct an outline of an argumentative essay
Constructing argumentative essays is slightly different than other essays you have written before. Arguments, unlike informative, analytical, and compare and contrast essays differ in that you are writing to persuade, not just writing to inform, compare or analyze.
Because you will be writing to convince your audience to come over to your point of view, and, through argumentation – both subtle and overt means of doing so, you must convince the reader, through assembling the opinions of researchers to back up your opinions, the paper will take on more of an argumentative research paper stance.
Compiling Research for an Argumentative
You will want to consult special library databases to familiarize yourself with both sides of debate on the argument you will be making. All argumentative topics have another side—and you must be aware of the other side’s most compelling arguments in order to not only acknowledge them in your own work, but to strive to refute them as well. You must overcome their objections to your argument to make yourself even more convincing. Therefore, you’ll find yourself researching from two different angles, both your side and their side—pro and con.
Because you will be writing to persuade, convince, and bring someone over to your side, you’ll want to consult the best researchers you can. Consulting a librarian on this is often the best way to locate the best journals for your purpose. Onc special database, Opposing Viewpoints, that most schools have—is an excellent resource for articles on both sides of all major debates—from medical marijuana, to pro life, to pro sports and the salaries they are paid.
How does Organization Differ on an Argumentative Essay?
In argumentative essays you do not just move from an introduction to body paragraphs, to a closing paragraph like you do with most essays. In fact, you may have one to two extra sections beyond these to add, depending upon exactly how many arguments you want to acknowledge/or have to acknowledge to make your argument most convincing.
The Basic Outline for an Argumentative Essay
- Introduce the main point of your argument end with your vehemently stated thesis statement.
- Body paragraphs—help you to back up your argument with convincing research
- Then, you must acknowledge any major arguments to your own
- Overcome their arguments
- End on a note of finality, bringing it back around to your argument.