Free tips on how to write an essay with citations in the MLA style
Writing an essay is riddled with some obvious challenges that only students who set aside some time to research on and practice on how to overcome them emerge as victors. On this premise, it is important to take note of the fact that writing is never about having a mind flowing with endless ideas but should always take into account how best one can put those ideas down on paper while ensuring that basic rules of writing such are formatting, outlining and citations are taken good care of. When you realize what you want to write about has been partaken on, you must devise a unique approach to the same so that everything don’t come out as copy pasted. This therefore calls for one to first of all, identify a specific formatting style and in this case, one which is recommended by your learning institution. Modern Language Association usually abbreviated as MLA is one of the widely used formatting styles in academic writing. By an extension, MLA is also definitive of the citation style which one is supposed to pursue when attribution sources. When this becomes a necessary evil in your writing, which means you must give credit to your sources, the way names of authors, dates of publications and names of publications is supposed to appear within your writing is what constitute a writing style.
To that student who has no idea how MLA citation is supposed to be done, there are plenty of resources out there which teach on this and this post happens to be one which lay a special emphasis on the same, so read on for details.
Taking care of in text citation
An essay written with citations in it is more or less the same as a research paper, in which case, you will be referencing your sources of certain pieces of information. These can include quotes from books, sayings and annotations.
Citing the names of authors
In MLA in text citation, the sur name of authors will always precede the dates of publications. The sur names should at cost start with capital letters and then separated by a comma from the year of publication. This is very important.